Please inspect all items carefully; you have 20 DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF GOODS to report discrepancies, shortages, or damages, etc

In the event of a discrepancy, shortage or damage, please refer to the following guidelines:

Contact our offices:     
Please contact our offices at 888 229-2879 to report any discrepancies, shortages or damages.
Our return department will handle your return/ credit in one of the following ways:                

All returns must receive an R.A. Number (Return Authorization) prior to being returned.

* A cut-off date; all items being returned must be in our possession within the allotted time listed on the R.A. confirmation letter. All returns MUST be completed by the date specified on the R.A confirmation letter. Items returned past the allotted time, will not be accepted
* Ship to address / Additional shipping instructions.


A Credit for any discrepancies/shortages will be applied to the invoice from which the merchandise was shipped and a corrected invoice will then be faxed and/or e-mailed to you. Please pay from the corrected invoice

To obtain a credit for damaged merchandise please return the item with the RA# and a credit will be applied to the invoice from which the merchandise was shipped and a corrected invoice will then be faxed and/or e-mailed to you. Please pay from this corrected invoice

Deductions taken from an invoice at the time of payment for repairs, replacement of notions or accessories, will not be honored and the amount deducted will remain open and past due.

Deductions taken from an invoice at the time of payment that has not been previously reported, given an RA# and returned, will not be honored and the amount deducted will remain open and past due.